Get to Know Our Honey!

Our bees are passionate about collecting nectar and pollen.

In their collection area, the southwest of Stuttgart, there are fruit trees, linden trees, flower meadows, mixed forests  and private gardens.

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Two to three times a year we are able to harvest the ripe honey. 
So we get a mild spring honey mainly from the fruit trees and a delicious summer honey with a stronger taste from the linden trees and the forests.

Our Spring Honey









Our Summer Honey

To produce this gold-colored mild tasting flowerhoney our bees have approached the cherry -, apple-, plum trees and further fruit trees next to our stand, also the meadows, gardens and forests in the neighborhood .


A very aromatic amber flowerhoney for which our bees have visited the linden trees around the campus of the Stuttgart University as well as the blackberry bushes and flowers next to our stand.


Our Prices

250g € 5.-

500g € 9.-


You may contact us via,

Phone : 0711 / 55 34 64 13   


Email:  siegfriedgrunwald(at)